Chassahowitzka Wildlife

Someone suggested that we make a page devoted to Chassahowitzka Wildlife, update it often, and add news of recent “sightings” by residents, visitors, and our tour captains.  Great idea!  So we added a new post link “Wildlife Sightings” to our main menu where all new or recent posts and comments about wildlife in Chassahowitzka will appear.

The post below should have gone there, but your novice Chazmanian Bloggers, at time of writing, didn’t know the difference between a “Page” and a “Post” (please forgive us, we’re learning).   Please continue to send us news,  pictures, and comments about your wildlife sightings in Chassahowitzka (our email address is  We appreciate it!  All New Posts about Wildlife Sightings will be accessed from the new “Wildlife Sightings” tab on the main menu.

Tonight it’s warm and the canal outside my blog post is alive with the wonderful sounds of a lively frog and toad chorus.  All of my friends who are avid birders can identify their feathered friends, sight unseen, by their song or call.  So I thought some of you with your windows open tonight might enjoy the challenge of trying to identify your amphibious neighbors by their songs and calls as well!  Here are some links to some Frog and Toad Calls online:

I’m hearing pig frog, bull frog, green tree frogs tonight…..I heard some Narrow-mouth toads and Southern Toads the other night when it was raining.  We used to hear and see Southern Leopard Frogs in and around our canal.  Have you heard or seen any Southern Leopard frogs lately?

Which frog and toad calls are you hearing tonight?

As we gather better equipment, we’ll get some actual recordings of our Chassahowitzka frogs online, so you can enjoy the sounds of “home” wherever you may travel.

Please send us pictures of your Chassahowitzka Wildlife sightings, along with a description of the time, date, and place of sighting, and we’ll update the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Page and/or posts to keep the sightings current.

Hope you’re out enjoying the frog serenade!  It’s an audible sign that your canal or river waterfront habitat is still healthy enough to support our fragile amphibious wildlife….and that’s music to my Chassahowitzka ears!

2 Responses to Chassahowitzka Wildlife

  1. Ben Berauer says:

    Marj Corey say two Sherman Fox Squirrels along Riviera as she was driving by yesterday, June 7, 2012.

  2. Awesome Ben and Marj! I don’t think FNAI (Florida Natural Areas Inventory) has a Rare Species Incidence Report for that area yet. The last time I spoke with Dan at FNAI, he told me they were working on the Sherman Fox Squirrel data sets and mapping. I’m sure they’d appreciate an incidence report for Chassahowitzka rare species sightings if you’re willing to fill one out when you see a rare (listed, Endangered, Species of Special Concern, etc.) species like our Sherman Fox Squirrel. Here’s a link to copy paste to get to the FNAI page where you can download a rare species incidence report:
    Did you get a picture? If so, I’ll post it on Chassahowitzka Blog’s Wildlife Page! Thanks so much!

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